Goal: Support Colleagues with PLD Blogs

Aim: To support colleagues in the development of their PLD blogs

Teamwork is an important aspect of being a successful teacher. Given that I don’t have any achievement standards in common with colleagues in the Technology department, one way that I can be part of the team is to support them with writing / maintaining their PLD blogs. Blogging as a way of recording appraisal evidence is new to most of my colleagues. Supporting them in this will help us to function well as a group and in the long term it will allow them to support each other as well.

Action Plan

  • Learn how WordPress works so that I can explain it to others
  • Make a series of videos showing how to do ‘the basics’
  • Be available to assist colleagues in setting up and maintaining their blogs
  • Be willing to share my blog so that others can see what it might look like

Year End Reflection
I successfully created a series of WordPress videos to explain to others how the system works. This was useful for some colleagues but others got frustrated and opted to document their RTC evidence using an alternate system. Despite my best efforts, colleagues often did not have sufficient time to master WordPress and this lead to a fair bit of frustration on their part.

During the year I moved from Technology to Mathematics as the work that I am doing with students has more in common with Mathematics than Technology. This is especially true of the Programming and Computer Science standards. It is also worth nothing that my role includes teaching Y8 Mathematics and I also have a Y9 class once a cycle so being in the Mathematics faculty made sense.

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